Reduce Your Business Waste

We know that every business in the world produces waste. Business waste is a reality that has to be dealt with rather than pushing under the rug.  Some industries produce business waste in the form of paper while others produce chemical toxins and hazardous material. Whatever the kind and volume of business waste, they all fall under the same category. Not only can your business waste put you in legal complexities, it can also cost you economically by making you spend on waste management services. Therefore you must understand that reducing business waste can save you money and help your company focus on more pressing issues.

How to prevent business waste

By reducing your business waste, you reduce the burden of treatment, disposal and managing the waste and in the process reduce the economic cost to your company.  Here are some tips that can help you reduce business waste generation:

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  • Purchase durable material and equipment
  • Use products that are free of chemical toxins
  • Reduce the amount of packaging


Some of the more familiar and easy to implement changes are introducing two sided printing and using emails instead of documentation. You should also try to reduce office printing to the bare minimum.

Reduction in business waste should be pursued as a business strategy. Not only will it be better for your revenue but will also help prevent environmental pollution and reduce health risks. In this way you will be acting out your part in the corporate social responsibility.

How to begin business waste reduction

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  • You must begin by identifying the type of waste your company is producing. Check the bills and look if it is the electricity, gas or water that is being used in maximum amount. You should take a look at the waste itself and find out which components form the largest percentage. After identifying the main culprits you can easily look for ways to reduce their production.
  • You should try to find out the waste stream-the process that is generating each kind of waste. Once the process is identified, a strategy can be devised to reduce the waste stream and introduce more efficient streams.
  • You should look for newer and modern equipment in the market that can help in reduction of waste production. Majority of the times, older equipment is the main cause of wastage and inefficiency. By introduction of newer technology, a better waste management strategy can be made.


Business WasteSetting Goals

It is a known fact that business waste is harmful to a company’s profits and, as such, should be pursued with vigor.  After identifying the main waste products and waste streams, it is important that you set up small goals towards waste reduction e.g trying to reduce paper wastage by 15% at the end of a month or reducing the water bill by 10%.

Employee Awareness

Employees form a large part of any company and their cooperation is necessary to reach any goal.  The same applies to business waste reduction. They must be educated and made part of the goal if the ultimate aim of waste reduction is to be achieved.